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Accepted Payments:  USDT 

Data Back-up

Craxs Rat automatically (optional) Back-up your data such as contacts,images,sms,accounts,applications,and more


Craxs Rat compatible with any Mobile Running Android OS , and Support android from V6 up to Android V13

Send & Receive

Craxs rat allows you to Upload or Download any data from your mobile such as files,videos,images,songs, and any kind if data


Crax Rat provides high connection speed , with stability , and security , and can work on local network or internal network


Craxs Rat allows you to enter your connection key between pc and mobile , to prevent any access to your clients

Real Time

Craxs Rat Gives you real-time Monitoring and Controlling to your phones screen plus you camera,location,microphone,and more

Craxs Rat Features

Contact support

craxrat 24/7 customer support service